From: Maj. Anna Gardner, Executive Director, Assembled Nations Endowment for the Arts (ANEA)
To: VIP Donor List
To performa a small (but mighty) bit of fundraising for our colleagues in ANEXCAL, your Board of Directors recently held a brainstorming session to discuss collectible media projects with ANEA might oversee and produce - maybe something with a bit of speed and glamour. Have any of you seen a Fast Inserter in action? Deeply satisfying.
It goes wothout saying that the revenue our group typically collects could not even make a dent in the costs associated with this kind of endeavour, but I believe the arts have an enormous role to play in shaping the state-level funding commitments an AN member nations have made to ANEXCAL - and an even freater role in ensuring that they live uo to them. Whether you view [...]